Saturday, March 14, 2020

Entrepreneur Interview Update

I am excited to share that I went through my entrepreneur interview this week, and it went great! I learned some things about starting a company that I had never thought about before. It turns out that the entrepreneur that I chose actually decided to start their business, because the first time they saw their daughter roll over was via a video call and it made him feel that he needed to be closer to home. At the start of making of your own business, it takes a lot of hours to get it off the ground, but once you do, you can be more flexible for family and other important aspects of life. He runs a healthcare consulting company that does very well, but learned some valuable lessons along the way. One of the lessons that stuck with me is that he suggests not running finances in house, but instead putting the liability on a third party company. The first year he started the business, he tried to do the finances in house and ended up getting tax penalties that were quite hefty. This makes sense to me, especially since I personally hate doing anything with finances. It is interesting that every entrepreneur gets into business for different reasons, and it seems one of his main reasons is to be closer to family but also provide for his employees. Speaking from first had experience, my boss does an amazing job running his business because he puts a lot of love and a faith towards his employees. I think that is such an important part about running a company. Too many companies forget about their employees and think too much about less important factors. I loved the advice that the entrepreneur gave about sticking with whatever motivates you when starting a business, because it doesn't help to do something you can't stand. If money motivates you, then use that motivation. If making employees and other people happy motivates you, then use that instead. It is whatever floats your boat and helps you get the work done. This interviewing process has been awesome and eye opening. I'm grateful for opportunities like this in school, because these are the true learning experiences for me. 

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