Friday, January 31, 2020

My Life Plan to Deconstruct My Fears!

Good evening all!

This week in my Introduction to Entrepreneurship class, I had the opportunity to think about a really important factor in our lives, which is our fears. Specifically I focused on my fears of what would happen in business scenarios. My fears included the idea of waking up and hating my job, not being able to achieve my dream of producing a screenplay, starting a business of my own and it failing, and finally getting let go of a high end executive job. Each of these fears, at least for me, would have negative impacts on my personal and family life as well as my financial situation. My class was asked three questions this week to focus on, and I am going to share them as well as answer them below:

  1. If you pursue your calling with discipline, intentionality, and the help of fellow travelers, what are the chances that your worst case scenario will really happen?

I think that there is always the chance of any fear coming true; however, when you help others and allow them to help you, it is much less likely that you will fail. Also, if you have a great work ethic and are disciplined to your role then you will typically find success in it. 

2.  As you look at your list of fears, what themes emerge? What is at the core of what you really fear? Financial ruin? The judgment or disapproval of others? Physical harm? Endangering the ones you love? Embarrassment?

The themes that emerge in my fears are usually having to do with the idea of a business scenario going poorly and negatively effecting my family's way of living or their comfort. I have seen many times in my life where bad financial situations have cause divorce or other sad family situations. Each of my scenarios leads to financial struggle. If I were to really break down the core of my fear, it would be endangering the ones I love. What I mean by this is endangering their mental well being and their level of comfort in the home. I never want my wife or kids to feel that they are deprived of basic necessities because of a business scenario that goes poorly. 
3.  What is the risk of taking no action – not following your calling? How do you plan to deal with fear when it pops up on your entrepreneurial journey?

The risk of not taking action or following your calling is that you will likely find yourself miserable in what you do. There are few things worse than working a job that you hate, because our jobs take up 1/3 of our day as it is. It is soul sucking and can negatively impact how we take care of ourselves and the way we treat others around us. In order to overcome my fears on my entrepreneurial journey, I took a step back to first determine what the fears were and then came up with an individual plan for each fear on how to overcome it. There are some fears in our life that are debilitating, and we have to be prepared to overcome them by being prepared with preset plans to do so.  

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