Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Journey of a True Hero

This week, I am pleased to have the opportunity to share my thoughts on a video that I watched titled
"A Hero's Journey." The main speaker was a man named Corey Bell, who basically shares why and how he became an entrepreneur. He starts off by talking about how he worked at several different jobs, but yet none of them made him feel fulfilled. He wanted to be able to serve other people better and felt that the best way to do that would be to risk losing a steady job and starting his own business. Even though it worried his wife, and he ended up having 9 of his siblings live with him, he pushed through  the challenges and became a successful entrepreneur. His main points explained that we can  do anything that we put our mind to, and that the word "can't" shouldn't be used in our vocabularies. Where I agree with Corey is that we are all children of God and with that being said, we all have infinite potential. If we want to start a business, we just have to find the right motivation and make a move. If you don't try then you will fail, but if you try and fail, at least you had a chance for success. Obviously with any entrepreneur, there is always the risk of failing, but Corey points out that there are always a million jobs to go back to if it doesn't work out. We all have to ask ourselves what we want to accomplish in this life, and how we can serve the world around us. Corey's reasons for starting a business may be different from mine, but as long as the reasoning is pure then it is worth trying. The most important thing that stuck to my mind from the video is that Corey points out that the graveyard is the richest place in the world. What he meant is that the graveyard has many people who have passed away that never attempted to live up to the dreams or goals. It is a shame when people with amazing talents and ideas don't share them because it could have been world changing. As you go through focusing on your professional choices, make sure you are doing something that will help you feel fulfilled in the end. There is nothing worse than getting to the end of your life and have a long list of "what if's." You don't want to look back and wonder why you didn't take any risks to achieve the things you wanted most out of life. 

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